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Girl on Fire


Girl on Fire

To help women navigate their lives consciously and provide them with encouragement, and well being support. And also offer a platform for networking and opportunities.

Launched in August 2019, the #GrilonFire Project is a safe space for women from all walks of life, to come together and be themselves. They are encouraged to share not only their hopes and dreams but also their challenges and struggles they encounter in the different roles and settings that make up part of their lived experience as well as aspirations.

In 2020 as the world grappled with COVID-19 lockdowns and we were all trying to find our feet with the experience of living through the lockdown. The #GirlonFire Project became a much needed space for women not only across the UK but also the US and Africa.

The #GirlonFire sessions are conducted via zoom and/or in-person meetings.

Project Gallery


Participate in this Programme


Would like to be a part of the #GirlonFire Sessions and experience a safe space where you can be yourself and be encouraged. Then register your interest here

Partner with us

Is your organisation looking to work towards supporting women and their causes, then through the #GirlonFire Project, there are amazing opportunities to do so, register your interest here.
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